全部 更多 96t 48t hplc≥98% pcs 24t 1个/包,24包/箱 1个/包,12包/箱 hplc≥95% 12个/盒,120个/箱 5块/包,10包/箱 96支/盒,24盒/箱 hplc≥97% hplc≥96% 96支/盒,10盒/包,5包/箱 1个/包,4个/箱 100只/盒,10盒/箱 50个/包,10包/盒,4盒/箱 hplc≥99% 1个/包,12个/箱 50个/包,5包/盒,4盒/箱 1块/包,100块/箱 1个/包,6个/箱 6个/盒,60个/箱 125条/包,1250条/箱 1台/箱 20个/包,25包/箱 25块/盒,4盒/箱 1个/包,10个/箱 1只/箱 1块/包,50块/箱 hplc≥94% 10块/包,5包/箱 96支/盒,50盒/箱 1个/包,20个/箱 81个/盒,8盒/箱 功能:导热 10块/包,50块/箱 1个/包,24个/箱 1个/盒 30ml/瓶 5只/包,8包/箱 100个/包,10包/盒 10个/包,20包/箱 1个/包,8个/箱 200支/盒,4盒/箱 25支/包,20包/箱 6个/包,48个/箱 1000支/包,10包/箱 100个/包 10个/包,10包/箱 196t 1个/包,25个/箱 50支/包,10包/箱 100个/盒,10盒/箱 1个/包,25包/箱 1个/包,2个/箱 20个/包,20包/箱 48个/袋,480/箱 500支/包,10包/箱 50个/箱 5只/包,20包/箱 5只/包,5包/箱 81个/盒,12盒/箱 81个/盒,14盒/箱 81个/盒,16盒/箱 81个/盒,6盒/箱 gc≥98% uv≥98% 功能:支架(无导热) 100片/盒,5盒/箱 10块/包,100块/箱 10块/盒,5盒/箱 1个/包,32/箱 1个/袋,50/箱 20个/包,15包/箱 400支/袋,10袋/箱 5/包,10包/箱 500支/盒,4盒/箱 50个/包,8包/盒,10盒/箱 5个/包,25个/箱 5个/包,40个/箱 5个/盒 96支/盒,60盒/箱 hplc≥90% hplc≥92% hplc≥98%(此物质极不稳定,仅供定性用) pkg 含电源线 安装在电泳芯两侧,用于卡紧 直接通电 间接通电 阳极红色 阴极黑色 100*73mm,用于灌胶。 1000支/包,20包/箱 1000支/包,5包/箱 100个/盒,12盒/箱 100个/盒,14盒/箱 100个/盒,16盒/箱 100只/包,10包/箱 100支/盒,6盒/箱 10只/包,20包/箱 10只/包,5包/盒,10盒/箱 1个/包,100/盒 1个/包,5个/箱 1个/袋,50袋/箱 1包/箱 1只/包,8个/箱 1块/包,10包/箱 200个/包,1包/盒,10盒/箱 2个/包,25包/盒,10盒/箱 400支/盒,6盒/箱 48个/盒,480/箱 4个/包,12个/箱 50/包,20包/箱 500个/盒,10盒/箱 500支/盒,6盒/箱 50个/包,15包/盒,10盒/箱 5个/包,10包/箱 5个/包,20包/箱 8个/包,24个/箱 90只/盒,10盒/箱 96支/盒,40盒/箱 hplc≥93% ≥98% 上壳(带线)、下壳、电极头电泳芯、缓冲液挡板、3把剥胶铲 上壳(带线)、下壳、电极头电泳芯、蘑菇头电泳芯、缓冲液挡板、5把剥胶铲 不包含外壳和线 仅供定性 仅供定性用 用于密封玻璃,放置在制胶底座下面 缓冲液槽,不含电极架 通用卡具 0.25mm99.99%铂金丝 0.2mm99.99%铂金丝 0.3mm99.99%铂金丝 0.5ml 0.75mm,7+7齿/14齿 0.75mm,9+9齿/19齿 1.0 mm:12+12齿/27齿 1.0mm,11+11/25齿 1.0mm,9/16齿 1.5mm,11+11/25齿 1.5mm,6+6/13齿 1.5mm,7+7齿/14齿 1.5mm,8+8/18齿 1.5mm,9+9齿/19齿 1.5mm,9/16齿 1000个/盒, 10盒/箱 1000个/盒,10盒/箱 100ml锥形瓶卡具 100支/盒,10盒/包,5包/箱 10个/包,30包/箱 10个/包,50包/箱 10个/箱 120×120mm 120×60mm 120条/盒,10盒/箱 125支/盒,4盒/箱 130×130mm 130×65mm 15米/包 15米/箱 1ml 1个/包,1个/箱 1个/包,40/箱 1个/包,40个/箱 1个/包,48/箱 1个/包,48个/箱 1个/包,56/箱 1个/包,56个/箱 1个/包 1个/盒,10个/箱 1个/箱 2.0mm,2+3齿/3+3齿 200ml锥形瓶卡具 200个/包,5包/箱 200个/包,5套/箱 200个/袋,2000/箱 200支/盒,10盒/箱 250支/盒,4盒/箱 25ml锥形瓶卡具 4个/架,6架/箱 500ml锥形瓶卡具 500支/包, 10包/箱 50ml锥形瓶卡具 50个/盒,10盒/箱 50支/盒,6盒/箱 5ml 5个/包,100包/箱 60×120mm 60×60mm 65×130mm 65×65mm 6个/架,4架/箱 6个/袋,17袋/箱 6个/袋,6袋/箱 70×100mm 70×70mm hplc≥82% hplc≥84% hplc≥88% hplc≥90%(标定) hplc≥90%(该物质核磁结果几乎不见杂质,虽hplc检测为85%,我们可以确定它的纯度至少90%以上) hplc≥96%(仅供鉴别) hplc≥96.50% hplc≥97%(仅供定性) hplc≥97.5% hplc≥98%(面积归一化法) hplc≥99.5% standard(标准) standard tlc≥99% tlc鉴别用 uv≥95% uv≥99% wix-autopp wix-drybath-hcs wix-drybath-hc wix-drybath-hs wix-easyblot wix-easypro2 wix-easypro4 wix-ep3000 wix-ep300 wix-ep600t wix-ep600 wix-fastblot wix-litedna wix-mididna wix-miniblot4 wix-miniblot wix-minidna wix-minipro2 wix-minipro4 wix-multipro2 wix-multipro4 wix-skd180 wix-skd330 wix-skl180 wix-skl330 wix-sko180 wix-sko330 培养皿托架,带防滑垫和固定绳8根,尺寸(长×宽):31×28.5cm wix-skr180 wix-skr330 ≥80%(四个主要皂苷) 不含电极架 仅供鉴别用 制胶底座+灌胶框+1mm玻璃板2套+1mm10齿、15齿梳子各2把、1根制胶密封垫。 制胶底座+灌胶框+1mm玻璃板2套+1mm10齿、15齿梳子各2把。 制胶面积:120×120mm,120×65mm,60×120mm,60×60mm 制胶面积:130×130mm,130×65mm,65×130mm,65×65mm 制胶面积:70×70mm、70×100mm,不含托盘 培养皿托架,带防滑垫,尺寸(长×宽):23.5×20.5cm 培养皿托架,带防滑垫,尺寸(长×宽):31×28.5cm 培养皿托架,带防滑垫和固定绳8根,尺寸(长×宽):23.5×20.5cm 大横向滚轴夹具,31.5×32cm 大空白钉板 大纵向滚轴夹具,31.5×32cm 安装在灌胶框上 小横向滚轴夹具,24.3*24cm 小空白钉板 小纵向滚轴夹具,24.3*24cm 带电源线的上盖 带铂金电极 方便加样 滴定法≥98% 滴定法≥99% 用于冷却,可交替更换 用于制胶 用于包裹凝胶和硝酸膜 用于密封伯乐尺寸预制胶 用于密封胶室,安装在电泳芯两侧 用于密封赛默飞尺寸预制胶 用于撬开玻璃板 用于赛默飞尺寸预制胶 缓冲液槽 跑1块胶时使用 适用于多层培养皿摇床的容器固定棒
全部 更多 100ul 150ul 50ul 1mg 48t 100 µl 500ug 50ug 96t 10mg 150μg 100mg 50t (no control slide) 50t (with control slide) 1g 500ml 20 µl 1 kit 5 mg 5mg 10 mg 100ml 100 µg 1 mg 50 mg 20mg/支 1ea 1件 100 mg 100t 100tests 25tests 1箱 0.5mg 1kit 100µg 50t 100ug 25ug 20mg 25 mg 500 mg 1.5mg 0.5ml 1ml 1 each 25mg 10g 20ug 100g 1 g 500mg 50mg 50l 300 µl 2mg 10ml 1个 100µl 10l 10ug 250mg 5 g 500 µl 50μg 500g 10mg/支 50ml 200t 5mg/支 0.75mg 1kg 200 mg 25g 2 mg 500 units 0.5 mg 1台 10μg 100条/盒 30条/盒 1把 20µg 2ml 0.3mg 100dtn 6 x 500ml 10 x 1l 24t 1l 10µg 1块 5ml 5g 1.5ml 1000 units 2.5mg 10支100ul 10 µg 1ml(100µg/ml) 50支100ul 0.1 mg 1000ug 1000ul 500ul 500t 50µg 1根 96wells 50次 0.25ml 5000 units 200µg 500µg 500µl 96 rxns 2500 units 250 units 5kg 10plates 5plates 5x50t/盒 0.3ml 1000t 20t 1付 2×50ml 400 µl 0.1mg 1 ml 0.25mg 100 t 1个/件 100μl 24 rxns 200 units 250 mg 3×50ml 10 g 100 units 1,000 units 10000 units 200 µl 100 ml 100 rxns 25 g 5x50片/盒 2000 units 250g 1,000 assays 10ul 1.0mg 10 ml 10rxns 200rxns 50rxns 2×100ml 1卷,5m 20 µg 20rxns 0.25 mg 10×1l 100 g 50 ml 2×500ml 4×50ml 50 rxns 25kg 5 ml 50µl 1000ml 20 mg 20μg 5,000 units 500 rxns 100 assays 2.5ml 250t 100rxns 400rxns 250µg 250ul 3×100ml 50 µg 500 g 6 x 100ml 250 µl 5ul 6 x 1000ml 1 kg 100l 20 rxns 25µg 25ml 50 preps 100支100ul 10tests 5×50ml 500 ml 1,000u 100 reactions 1ml×5 500 µg 500u 1500 units 2.5kg 200ml 200次 250ml 300 units 50 units 50g 5l 2,000 units 60t 200ul 20ml 25 µg 40 reactions 1 pack 20ul 10kg 15 ml 1包 250 preps 50 nmol 50000 units 0.25 g 10,000 units 10,000u 1套 30t 50支50ul 6.0 ml 600 µl 10 rxns 100 assays per kit 1000g 1000mg 100μg 10支50ul 15ml 1套/件 2,500u 2x96wells 3x20ug 500tests 5支50ul 2,500 units 200 rxns 20支50ul 3×20ml 30µl 0.5 g 5ug 1250 units 150ml 200 assays 30 mg 480wells 6 x 0.2 ml 0.1 g 10 preps 10,000 assays 20 x 0.05 ml 20,000 units 200 tablets 25 ml 25µl 250 µg 250 rxns 25000 units 3 g 30ml 384 rxns 400 units 50片/盒 0.1ml 1 system 10 × 100ml 10 reactions 100 gel lanes 1000 assays 10000 assays 100u 120t 150 units 1盒 200mg 20rxn 250µl 4×100ml 500 μg 500rxn(20μl/rxn) 500μl 100,000 units 100test 10x50µg 120µl 12ml 1ml(1mg/ml) 1set 2×20ml 200µl 20000 units 3000 units 4000 units 5 µg 5,000u 5.0 ml 6 rxns 8,000 units 1,000 tablets 100 preps 125 gel lanes 1250ng 15µl 150 µl 15000 units 1ml(0.5µg/mlinacn) 1ml(100 µg/ml) 1ml(50µg/ml) 1把/件 2 g 20 ml 30 reactions 300µg 400 assays 50 assays per kit 50,000 units 500 pmol 500 rxns (50 µl vol) 50mg/支 60ml 1 set 1,000 reactions 1,250 units 10×10ml 100只/盒,10盒/箱 100次 15,000 units 1ml(100ug/ml) 1ml(25µg/mlinacn) 1支 2×10ml 2×250ml 20×500ml 200 ml 25 rxns 250 ml 25l 2mg/支 3,000 units 300ml 300ul 30ml/瓶 4 g 4×500ml 4,000 units 4.0 ml 5 vial(1nmol/vial) 5×100ml 5×1ml 5000t 50μl 5ea 8rxns 96支/盒,50盒/箱 1 µmol 1,000ml 1.0 ml 10 × 10ml 100 rxns (50 µl vol) 1000 rxns 100mg/支 11×10ml 125 ml 125t 1mg/支 1ml(10µg/mlinacn) 1ml(100 µg/ml) in acetonitrile 2.5 mg 20 reactions 200μl 250 gel lanes 25t 30 rxns 300µl 300t 3mg 4ml 5 x 10ml 50 gel lanes 500μl×2 5x100 tests 5把/包 6×50ml 0.2ml 1 µg 1 × 96 preps 1 l 1 vial 1 个/盒 1,600 units 100 μl 1000 µg 1000支/包,10包/箱 100rxn(20μl/rxn) 100片/盒 10x100ml 10次 10片 12 x 0.05 ml 150 gel lanes 196t 1ml(100 µg/ml) in acetone 1片 200 µg 200 reactions 20片 2500 rxns 250μl 2g 4 × 96 preps 40µmol 400ml 4个/件 5 µmol 50 µl 50 g 500 reactions 500 μl 50rxn(20μl/rxn) 60 ml 750 gel lanes 96solidwells 96支/盒,100盒/箱 1 liter 1,500 units 1.5ml (3 × 500µl) 10µl 100 × 96 preps 100 assays (50 of each) per kit 100 columns + tubes 100 columns 100 rxn 100 μg 1000 ml 1000 t 10000assays 1000u 100ea 10t 10x10ml 125rxn(20μl/rxn) 125条/盒,10盒/箱 150 rxns 1pack 1只 2 ml 2µg 2.0 ml 200µmol (2 × 100µmol) 20支100ul 20次 25 µl 25µmol 250 g 2500t 25nmol 25支/包,20包/箱 2x1.25 ml 30-60gels 300 assays 3000u 375 gel lanes 3ml 4×20ml 400µl 400t 5 preps 500 u 500 μl×10 500 μl×5 50rxn 60 µl 60µl 600 units 600ml 62-125gels 7×10ml 75,000 units 800 units 80rxn 8ml 托盘23.5*20.5cm 0.1l 0.5-10µl 1 ml×10 1 ml×5 1 管/盒 1µg 1,000 gel lanes 1.0 a260 units 1.2ml(25µg/mlinacn) 10 pack 10 panning experiments 10 units 10×500ml 100 / 200 assays per kit 100 mg×2 100 mg×5 100 ml×12 100 ml×6 100µg;0.2mg/mlinethanol 10000u 100ng 10ea 110ml 18ml 55ml 6ml 12.5ml 12.5nmol 125 units 125µl 12500 units 14ml 15,000u 150t 15mg 175µl 1m/件 1ml(100μgml)in acetonitrile 1pcs 1个/包 1条 2 ×50ml 2 x 50ml 2,000u 2.5 ml 20µl 200 / 400 assays per kit (4 vials) 200 gel lanes 200 μl 2000 rxns 2000t 200l 200ng 200u 20张 24 reactions 25 µmol 25 preps 25,000 units 250ml×2 250rxn(20μl/rxn) 250ug 250u 250μg 2x250ul 2个/件 3×500ml 30 ml 30 nmol 30 根 384wells 4 x 1.25 ml 40µl 40ml 5 ×10ml 5µg 5*50t/盒 5,000 assays 50 rxn 50 t 500 gel lanes 500 ml×12 500 ml×6 500,000 units 5x20ug 5片/盒 6 x 10ml 6×100ml 60rxn 700µg 750 units 8 × 96 preps 8 reactions 80 units 90 pmol kit 托盘31*28.5cm 0.01g/500g 0.05 ml 0.25 ml 0.2ml/支 0.37mg 1 µl 1 mg net 1,000µl 1,000-4,000 assays 1,250 µg 1.0 mg 1.0g 1.0ml 1.25 ml 1.2ml(50µg/mlinmethanol) 1.2ml 1.5 mg 10 µmol of each 10 x 10ml 10µmol each 10×1ml 10×2l 10×30ml 10.0g 100 assays (manual) / 400 assays (auto-analyser) 100 pack 100 reaction 100 sets 100 tubes 100 ul 1000 mg 1000 preps 1000assays 100支/包,20包/箱,2000支/箱 10mg(单一规格) 10mg(精准称量2位小数点) 12 × 75mm 12.5ml×2 120ml 125ml 125u×5 125u 15 isolations 150 µg 150µg 150µl 160 ml 16l 1g(单一规格) 1l*10 1mg(精准称量3位小数点) 1ml(100µg/ml) in methanol 1ml(100μg/ml) 1ml(100μgml) 1ml(1mg/ml)inacetonitrile 1ml(250μg/ml) 1ml(5µg/ml) 1 1片/件 2 × 20μg 2 x 27 ml 2,500 pmol 2,500g 2.5 kg 20 reaction 20 x 50 µg 200 assays per kit 200 assay 200 μl×10 200 μl×5 200rxn 200 20g 240 units 25 gel lanes 25 milliliters each 25,000u 250 ml×2 250μl×2 250片/盒 25ea 25mm each 2个/套 2把/件 2次标记 5次标记 3 isolations 3 vial 3×1l 3×250ml 3,000u 3.7mg 30 t 30µg 30-50块 300u 30mg 315ml 34 ml 3x5µg 4×2ml 40 mg 40 ml 40µmol each 400 assay 4000 assay 40rxn 40t 480 units 4把/件 5 ml x 10 5 ml x 20 5 ml x 5 5 reactions 5 rxns 5 units 5 x 1ml 5× 20 ul 50 µmol of each 50 assays (manual) / 500 assays (microplate) / 450 assays (auto-analyser) 50 assays (manual)/ 500 assays (microplate) / 500 assays (auto-analyser) 50 reactions 50 μl 50,000u 500 μl×2 500mg(单一规格) 500μg 500支/盒,10盒/箱 50ml×2 50rxn(50μl/rxn) 56 ml 5ml (5 × 1ml) 5ml(500 x 20ul reactions) 5t 5x10ml 5x1ml 5条/件 6mg 7×100ml 7,500 units 700ml 70ml 750,000 units 800ml 800u×5 800u 800 80ml 9×50ml 90µg 96 reactions 96*2 wells 96*5 wells 96solidwell scalable 0-200g/1mg 0.01g/1000g 0.01g/100g 0.01g/2000g 0.01g/200g 0.05 mg 0.05mg 0.15ml/支 0.15ml 0.1mg/200g 0.2 mg 0.2 ml 0.2 nmol 0.20ml/支 0.25mg(精准称量0.001mg) 0.3 µmol 0.34mg 0.4 ml 0.5 µg 0.5 µmol of each 0.5 µmol 0.5 ml 0.5 μmol 0.5ml/支 0.6µg 0.66 mg 1 × 36mg 1 × 96 each 1 bundle 1 ea 1 g(单一规格) 1 gram, powder 1 ml (100 µg/ml) 1 ml x 10 1 ml; galactose dehydrogenase (200 u/ml)/galactose mutarotase (4 mg/ml) 1 nmol 1 pack (15.6 ml of each) 1 plate 1 units 1 x 384 well plate (10 µl/well) 1 x 96 well plate (20 µl/well) 1 x 96 well 1,000 µg 1,000 rxns (25 µl vol) 1,000 rxns 1,000 u 1,000/bag 1,000tests 1,250u 1,500u 1.1 mg 1.2 mg 1.25 mg 1.25 ml each 1.250µg 1.25ml 1.2ml(100µg/ml) 1.2ml(100µg/mlinacn) 1.2ml(100µg/mlinmethanol) 1.2ml(100μg/mlinh2o) 1.2ml(100μg/mlinwater) 1.2ml(25µg/mlinwater) 1.2ml(5µg/mlinacn/water) 1.3 ml 1.4ml 1.5 µmol 1.5 ml 1.8 ml 10 × 10ul 10 a254 units 10 columns 10 each 10 ml / 20,000 units 10 ml / 20,000 units 10 ml hexokinase (420 u/ml)+g6p-dh (210 u/ml) 10 ml×2 10 ml×5 10 ml; 3,000 u/ml 10 nmol 10 plates 10 units at 25oc (~ 34 units at 37oc) 10 units at 25oc 10 western blots 10 x 1 l 10 x 100ml 10 x 20 plates 10 x 200 assays 10 管/盒 10µg (2 × 5µg) 10µmol 10× 20 ul 10,000,000 units 10-100µl 10-18分钟快速转印,支持2块迷你胶快速转印 10.0 ml 100 袋 100 µl (60 µm) 100 assays (34 of each) per kit 100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate) / 1000 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate) / 1020 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate) / 1300 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate)/ 1000 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate)/ 1100 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual)/ 1000 assays (microplate)/ 1000 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays (manual)/ 1000 assays (microplate)/ 1100 assays (auto-analyser) 100 assays of each component 100 assays of each per kit 100 each 100 isolations × 10ml 100 isolations × 300µl 100 lanes 100 ml (1% w/v) 100 ml (4 x 25 ml) 100 ml (ankom) 100 ml - 3000 units/ml 100 ml - 750 units/ml (ankom) 100 ml; asbc diastatic power ~ 654 olintner; ebc diastatic power ~ 2,250 owk 20×5 ml 100 nmol 100 samples 100 transfer reactions 100 u 100 μl (in ethanol) 100µg (1 vial) 100,000 assays 100-1,000μl 100.0 ml 100/200 assays per kit 100/pack 1000 µl 1000 assays (microplate) / 100 assays (manual)/ 400 assays (auto-analyser) 1000 assays (microplate)/ 100 assays (manual)/ 400 assays (auto-analyser) 1000 g 10000u×5 10000ug 5000ug 1000l 1000rxn(20μl/rxn) 1000支/包,20包/箱 1000支/包,5包/箱 1000支/盒,10盒/箱 100dtn(0.1g) 100dtn(0.82g) 100ku 100mg([13c,2h2]-甲醛+d2o) 100mg(单一规格) 100pcs. 100prep 100rxn 100ul+1mg 100张/包 100支/盒,300支/箱 101ml 50.5ml 10blots 10dtn 10ku 10mg(10mg in 1ml ethanol) 10mg;inchloroform 10mg;inethanol 10mg;insolution 10ml×2 10ml(10 µg/ml) 10ml(200次反应) 10units 20units 50units 10x50μg 10个/包 50包/箱 10个/盒 10包/盒 10块/包,5包/箱 10块/包,6包/箱 10块/盒 10套 10片/件 10片/包 10片/盒 110 assays (manual) / 1100 assays (microplate) / 1000 assays (auto-analyser) 110 assays (manual) / 1100 assays (microplate) / 1100 assays (auto-analyser) 110 ml of prepared reagent (e.g. 500 assays of 0.22 ml) 110 ml 1100 assays (microplate) / 1100 assays (auto-analyser) 1100 assays (microplate)/ 1100 (auto-analyser) 115 assays (manual) / 1150 assays (microplate) / 1150 assays (auto-analyser) 115 assays per kit 115ml 116 assays (manual) / 1160 assays (microplate) 12 g / 900 ku 12 g 12 mg 12 tubes (1.5 ml) 12µg 12.5ml(1250 reactions) 120 / 240 assays (manual) / 480 assays (auto-analyser) 120 assays of each per kit 120 assays per kit 120 ml 120 rxns 120nmol 120ul 125 rxns 125µg 125ng 1300 assays per kit (4 vials) 14 units 140ml 141.6 ml of prepared reagent (e.g. 456 assays of 0.31 ml) 15 mg 15µg 150 mg 150 milliunits 150 ml 150 preps 150 reactions 150mg 150pmol 150u 15g 15ng 15ug 15μl 16 mg 160 / 320 assays (manual)/ 640 assays (auto-analyser) 160ml 160nmol 16ml 170 units sucrase plus 3,000 units β-galactosidase 170.5 ml of prepared reagent (e.g. 550 assays of 0.31 ml) 175 ml 185ml 192.8 mg 1each 1l(0.1moll) 1mg (精准称量0.01mg) 1mg (精度0.001mg) 1mg(1mg in 1ml ethanol) 1mg(1mg/ml in water) 1mg(精准称量0.001mg) 1mg;2mg/mlinethanol 200ug 1ml (10 x 20ul rt reactions + 100 x 20ul qpcr reactions) 1ml (100 μgml) 1ml (1mg/ml) in methanol 1ml (1mg/ml) 1ml (1mgml in ethanol) 1ml (1mgml) 1ml (250μg/ml) 1ml×50 1ml(0.1µg/ml) in methanol 1ml(10µg/ml in acn) 1ml(10µg/ml) in ethanol 1ml(10µg/ml) 1ml(100 µg/ml) in water 1ml(100 x 20ul reactions) 1ml(100ug/ml) in acetonitrile 1ml(100ug/ml) in methanol 1ml(100μg in 1ml ethanol) 1ml(10μgml)in acetonitrile 1ml(1mg/ml in methanol ) 1ml(1mg/ml in methanol) 1ml(1mg/ml)inethanol 1ml(1mg/ml)inmethanol 1ml(1mgml in acetonitrile) 1ml(1mgml in h2o) 1ml(2.5µg/ml) 1ml(20µg/mlinacetonitrile) 1ml(25µg/mlin methanol) 1ml(25µg/mlinacn/water) 1ml(250μg/ml) in acn 1ml(250μg/ml)inmethanol 1ml(25μgml) in acetonitrile 1ml(2mg/mlin18o-water) 1ml(5µg/ml in acn/water) 1ml(50ug/ml) 1ml(5mg/ml) in ethanol 1ml(~200μg/ml) 1mlx10 2mlx10 1m 1p 2p 1ug 1vial 1x100ug 1个/盒 1副/包 1张 1组/件 2 × 1ml 2 × 96 preps 2 grams - 40ml 2 nmol 2 plates 2 racks 2 个 2×100ul 2×1l 2×1ml 2×5l 2,000 assays 2,000 pmol 2,000,000 units 2,500 rxns 2,560 units 2-20µl 2.4 ml 2.5 grams - 100ml (ankom) 2.5 ml×2 2.5mg (精准称量0.001mg) 2.5mg(2.5mg in 1ml methanol) 2.5mg/支 20 assays (manual) / 200 assays (microplate) / 270 assays (auto-analyser) 20 each 20 g 20 plates 20 units 20×10ml 200 assays (manual) / 2000 assays (microplate) / 1960 assays (auto-analyser) 200 assays (manual) / 2000 assays (microplate) / 2000 assays (auto-analyser) 200 assays (manual) / 400 assays (auto-analyser) 200 assays per kit (4 vials) 200 beads 200 nmol 200 pack 200 preps 200 rxns (25 µl vol) 200 t 200 μg 200µmol(2 × 100µmol each) 200-800 assays 2000 assays 2000pmol 2000u 200g/0.1mg 200g/1mg 200pmol 200μg 200μl×10 200μl×5 200支/盒,600支/箱 20kg 20mg(单一规格) 20nmol 20μmol 20个/包 15包/箱 20个/包 20片装/个 21 ml 220 assays (manual) / 2200 assays (microplate) / 2000 assays (auto-analyser) 235 ml 23ml 24 µg 24 ml 24 tubes 240ml 245.5 ml of prepared reagent (e.g. 1116 assays of 0.22 ml) 25 µmol of each 25 a254 units 25 assays (manual) / 250 assays (microplate) / 220 assays (auto-analyser) 25 columns 25 isolations 25 reactions 25 rxn 25 μg 25 μl 25µmol each 25,000 units (5 × 5,000 units) 25,000 units (5 × 5,000 units) 25/pack 250 assays per kit 250 each 250 ml×12 250 ml×5 250 ml×6 250 pmol 250 preps/100 extractors 250 reactions 250 μl 2500 pmol 2500rxn(20μl/rxn) 250preps 250prep 250v,3000ma,300w 25ku 25mg(单一规格) 25mg;25mg/mlinchloroform 25mg;inchloroform 25ml(2500 x 20ul reactions) 25ng 25rxn(20μl/rxn) 25μl 294 tubes (1 pack) 2l*10 2l 2mg;inmethanol 2mg;insolution 2ml×5 2ml/支 2x1.25ml 2x100ug 2加仑 2块胶,与伯乐迷你垂直电泳槽配件通用 2块胶,兼容伯乐/赛默飞预制胶 2块胶,已避开伯乐专利 3 × 1ml 3 × 36mg 3 × 500µl 3 mg 3 x 20µg 3 x 20ug 3×10ml 3×25ml 3,000 assays 3,000 units at 40oc 3,000 units at 50oc 3-7分钟快转,支持4块胶,两个抽屉独立控制,触摸屏 3.0 ml 3.4mg 3.5ml 3.75 mg 30 µg 30 units 30,000 units 300 assays (100 of each) per kit 300 preps 300 units exo - 1,3-β-glucanase / 60 units β-glucosidase 300 units (on sucrose) 300 units at 25oc; ~ 600 units at 37oc 300µl (50 lanes) 3000 rxns 3000t 6000t 300mg 300tests 300ul(2x60ug) 300v,400ma,75w 30g 30l 30μl 32.5µg (50 lanes) 320,000 gel units 325 reactions 3250 µl 33,750 units 34.84 mg 340ml 34mg 35 units 35µl 350ml 36 ml 360µl 36mg 370ml 37mg 3ml (3 × 1ml) 4 × 400µl 4 each 4 g - 36,000 units/g 4 plate 4 tubes (50.0 ml) 4 vials:contents of vials given on vial label. 4 x 25µg 4 μmol of each 4×10ml 4,000 u (100 μl) 4,000u 4.5mg(精准称重2位) 4.6umol 40 µmol of each 40 - 1,000 assays per kit 40 assays (manual) / 400 assays (microplate) / 400 assays (auto-analyser) 40 assays of each (manual) / 400 assays of each (microplate) / 400 assays of each (auto-analyser) 40 assays of each per kit 40 ml - 3000 units/ml 40 rxns 40 units 40,000 units 40-60 lanes 400 preps 400 reactions 400 rxns 400 units at 50oc; ~ 260 units at 40oc 400 μl×10 400 μl×5 400 μl 400µg 4000 assays 400rxn 400ul 400支/盒,1200支/箱 400支/盒 40mg 40nmol 40ul 45ml 480 rxns 480 units on np-α-arab at 40oc 480tests 48tests 4mg 4ml (2 x 2ml) 4ml (4 × 1ml) 4rxns 4x1.25 ml 4块胶,与伯乐迷你垂直电泳槽配件通用 4块胶,兼容伯乐/赛默飞预制胶 4块胶,已避开伯乐专利 4套/件 4条/件 5 × 10ml 5 × 200µl 5 × 20μg 5 × 96 each 5 × 96 preps 5 controls per kit: use with k-rstar 5 controls per kit: use with k-tsta or k-tshk 5 entry and 20 transfer reactions 5 grams - 100ml 5 mg net 5 milliliters each 5 ml×10(5000t) 5 ml×2(1000t) 5 ml×2 5 ml(500t) 5 transformation reactions 5 x 1mg 5 x 200 μg 5 管/盒 5×20ml 5×500ml 5,000 units at 40oc 5.0 a260 units 5.19 mg 5.9 mg 50 × 20µl reactions 50 / 100 assays (manual) / 550 assays (microplate) / 550 assays (auto-analyser) 50 assays (manual) / 500 assays (microplate) / 500 assays (auto-analyser) 50 assays (manual) / 500 assays (microplate) / 588 assays (auto-analyser) 50 assays of each (manual) / 500 assays of each (microplate) 50 each 50 pack 50 panning exps. 50 pmol 50 preps/25 extractors 50 transfer reactions 50 rxns 50×1l 50×2ml 50,000 assays 50-200µl 500 assays per kit 500 isolations × 300µl 500 rxn 500 t 500 μl (in ethanol) 5000g 5000ml 500l 500nmol 500rxn 500t×5 500t*20 500t*50 500t*5 500wells 500支/包,5包/箱 500支/盒,1500支/箱 500支/盒 50dtn 50ml (2 × 25ml) 50ml(1000次反应) 50m 50ng 50tests 50u 50μg (5 × 10μg) 50只/盒,10盒/箱 50张 53 assays per kit 54.05 g 55 assays per kit 55 ml 550 units 550µl 550nmol 550ul 58 assays (manual) / 580 assays (microplate) / 700 assays (auto-analyser) 58.8ml 5mg (5 × 1mg) 5mg(精准称量2位小数点) 5mg;10mg/mlinmethanol 5mg;inethanol 5ml (50 x 20ul rt reactions + 500 x 20ul qpcr reactions) 5ml(10 ug/ml in water) 5ml(10µg/ml) 5ml/支+100ul/支/套 5x100tests 5x100ug 5x4.6umol 5x50ul 5套 5片/件 5片/包 6 mlx10瓶 6 ml 6 tubes (1.5 ml) 6 x 0.1 ml 6 x 0.4 ml 6 x 500 mg 6 x 500 6×500g 6,000 units oligo-α- 1,6-glucosidase plus 6,000 units β-galactosidase 6,000 units 6,250 units 6,750 units 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) /600 assays (auto-analyser) 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 580 assays (auto-analyser) 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 600 assays (auto-analyser) 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 700 assays (auto-analyser) 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate)/ 600 assays (auto-analyser) 60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate)/ 740 assays (auto-analyser) 60 reactions 60 units 60µg 600 µg 600 ml 600µg 600µl 600u 600v,1200ma,500w,100℃ 600v,1200ma,500w 60张/包 62 ml 640 units 64t 65 assays per kit 65 ml 65 reactions 650 µl 660 assays per kit 7 ml 7,000 units in 50% aqueous glycerol 7.5 ml 7.5ml 7.5ng 70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate) / 600 assays (auto-analyser) 70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate) 70 pmol 70µg 700 units 700μl 72 assays (manual) / 720 assays (microplate)/ 840 assays (auto-analyser) 72 assays (manual) / 720 assays (microplate) 75 µg 750 µl 7500 units 8 µmol of each 8 g 8 mg 8 x 0.05 ml 8×50ml 8,000u 8.0 ml 80 assays (manual) / 800 assays (microplate) / 800 assays (auto-analyser) 80 ml 80t 80ug 85 rxns 8个/件 9×10ml 9×2µg 9.6 ml 90ml 950ml 96 assays (manual)/ 960 assays (microplate) / 960 assays (auto-analyser) 96 tests 96 x 0.05 ml 96-well 96solidplate 96stripwells 9ml (15 × 0.6ml) contains 6 controls: use with k-tdfr, k-intdf or k-rintdf megaquant™ wave spectrophotometer megaquant™ wave starter pack pack-of-6 低温、加热 凝胶面积cm:10*7/7*7 凝胶面积cm:12*12/12*6/6*12/6*6 凝胶面积cm:13*13/13*6.5/6.5*13/6.5*6.5 封闭、一抗、二抗全自动孵育 转印2块胶,高能冰盒有效降温 转印4块胶,可外接循环器 震荡、低温、加热,2000转 震荡、加热,2000转
(-)-Aspartic acid
别名: (-)-Blebbistatin 抑制剂;Ⅱ型肌球蛋白抑制剂;3,7,11-三甲基-2,6,10-十二碳三烯-1-醇;里哪醇
CAS : 856925-71-8 分子式: C18H16N2O2 分子量: 292.33
别名: 吡啶吡咯酮;(-)-可替宁;(-)-可替宁 标准品;(S)- 可替宁标准品;(S)-(-)-可替宁;可的宁(RG);可丁尼 标准品;可替宁;可替寧;尼古丁相关化合物C USP标准品;尼古丁杂质C(EP) 标准品;烟碱杂质C;可铁宁
CAS : 486-56-6 分子式: C10H12N2O 分子量: 176.21
(-)-CP 55,940
别名: 5-(1,1-二甲基庚基)-2-[5-羟基-2-(3-羟基丙基)环己基]苯酚;5-(1,1-二甲箕庚基)-2-[5-羟箕-2-(3-羟基柄基)环艺基]笨酚
CAS : 83002-04-4 分子式: C24H40O3 分子量: 376.57
CAS : 482-22-4 分子式: C24H27NO3 分子量: 377.48
别名: (-)-圆弧菌醇;圆弧菌醇
CAS : 20007-85-6 分子式: C17H14N2O4 分子量: 310.30
别名: 鱼藤素;魚藤素;鱼藤素,deguelin
CAS : 522-17-8 分子式: C23H22O6 分子量: 394.42
(-)-EGCg-3'',4''-di-O-Me [干冰运输]
(-)-EGCg-3',4'' -di-O-Me [干冰运输]
(-)-EGCg-4',4'' -di-O-Me [干冰运输]
(-)-Englerin A
(-)-Englerin B